Victorian Villa ... Update 3

Imagine sanding as an art form. In fact the time never comes when a little more rubbing will not improve a surface, and with every rub, the timber components are transformed from the raw state, as if by ‘magic’ into surfaces you want to ‘stroke’.

Surface preparation is the ‘key’ to polishing success.

The Alchemy of staining and polishing involves potions, namely, alkali, aniline, acid, mineral, and vegetable, the combinations of these mixes, and how to use them on timber have been handed down through the generations of our family.

 Maybe the ingredients have changed a little over the years, but the combinations of techniques endure.

Designed Bespoke Joinery are always paying great attention to improving our efficiency in our finishing dept, it’s not cheap to create, but, it pay’s big dividends in the end.

I suppose the point I’m trying to make is, it isn’t by magic that it happens – its damn hard work. …….

Next week I’m still at the workshop discussing method of construction with Richard for the kitchen………….